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[COVID-19 : 4/20] 렌트비 하락 전망

렌트 시장에 대한 본 기사의 주요 부분을 소개하고자 합니다. (본 기사의 방향과 canadaWOW와는 무관합니다.)

  • COVID-19 이후 0.7% 렌트비 하락

“As demand fell faster than supply in the second half of March, rents experienced a slight decline,” said the report. “The average monthly rent in the post-COVID-19 period decreased to 0.7 percent year-over-year.”

  • 임대 부동산 공급이 정점에 도달, 에어 비앤비 시장-약 95 % 하락. 실직 근로자와 학생 이주. 이민 둔화

But the real estate insider says there are strong signals that just as the supply of rental properties is hitting a peak, the number of people wanting to rent is falling.

The devastated Airbnb market, down about 95 percent, is only part of it. Unemployed gig workers and students are moving in with relatives. Immigration has slowed to a trickle.

  • 콘도 공사/매물의 홍수, 향후 2년 이상 영향

“We have a 50-year high in rental units under construction and a 50-year high in completions of those rental units coming online,” says Rabidoux. That’s over and above the current flood of condos built to sell to Canadians as rental investment properties. And once underway, he says, those projects will continue to inundate the market over a two-year timeline.

  • 렌트비 하락은 임차인(세입자)에게는 좋은 소식일수도…

While people who have bought homes to live in them will be less affected, falling rental prices will inevitably impact other parts of the market, convincing some to rent rather than buy, said Rabidoux.

“You’re going to see it bleed into the resale market three, six, nine months down the road,” he said.

But for anyone renting, maybe now is the time to start shopping around.


Finally, good news for renters as prices are expected to lead property decline: Don Pittis



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[COVID-19 : 4/21] wa
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