주택매매계약서상의 온수탱크 관련조항
신광훈 변호사
905.597.8388 | khshin@harmonylawgroup.com
토론토 지역에 있는 대부분의 주택은 온수탱크(hot water tank)를 대여(rental)하여 사용하고 있으며, 매달일정한대여료(rent or fee)를내고 있습니다. 이러한 경우, 주택매매계약서에 온수탱크가 대여된것이며 이 계약을 구매자가 인수한다라는 내용이 들어가는 것이 일반적입니다.
그런데, 최근들어 Direct Energy나 Reliance와 같은 대형회사가 아니라 작은규모의 회사들에게서 온수탱크를 대여하는 주택이 늘고 있는데,이러한회사들의경우월대여료가너무비싸거나사후관리를제대로해주지않아소송이제기되어있는경우도많습니다.하지만,일단주택매매계약서가firm deal이되고나면이부분에대해서변호사나부동산중개인이할수있는일이거의없어구매자에게피해가있더라도구제나보상을받기가어렵습니다.
The Purchaser agrees to assume the rental contract to the hot water tank/heater provided that the service is supplied by Direct Energy, Enercare, Reliance or Enbridge. Should the rental contract be with any other supplier than those aforementioned, the Purchaser agrees to assume the rental contract only after reviewing the existing contract and approving, in his/her sole and absolute discretion, all the terms and pricing contained in said contract. The Vendor shall provide to the Purchaser within 3 business days after acceptance of this agreement, at his/her own expense, a copy of the rental contract. Should the rental contract not be with the aforementioned suppliers and the Purchaser does not accept the terms of any or all of the rental contract signed by the Vendor, the Vendor shall buy out the water tank/heater at his/her own expense on or before closing, and Purchaser is free to negotiate with the supplier of his/her choice for the hot water tank/heater rental or install his/her own after closing.