토론토 재산세 인상 : 토론토 부동산/콘도
오늘 소개할 기사는 토론토 재산세 인상에 관한 라이어슨 대학의 연구 자료입니다. 토론토는 주변의 다른 도시보다 아직은 재산세가 낮은 관계로 20%정도 인상할 것에 대한 기사 입니다. 이것은 아마도 주택매매가 감소 함으로서 오는 양도세 수입을 의 감소를 보전 하려고 하는 것 같습니다. 이것이 현실화 되면 토론토 콘도나 토론토 주택에 사는 분들 부담이 조금은 증가할 듯 보입니다.
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아래 기사 참조하세요
Ryerson study concludes Torontonians could pay far more in property taxes
Toronto homeowners could pay a whopping 20 percent more in property taxes and still be paying less than counterparts in half the municipalities around them, says a new Ryerson University study.
The idea might give Torontonians a jolt as city council prepares to finalize the 2019 budget, with Mayor John Tory promising another year of rate hikes held to around the rate of inflation.
But Gord Perks, one of Tory’s council colleagues long critical of the mayor’s budgets and their impact on the city’s finances, says the study by Frank Clayton, an economist with Ryerson’s Centre for Urban Research and Land Development, is proof Torontonians can pay more — phased in, not in one shocking hike — to improve their city wit
Perks estimated at 20-per-cent hike would equal an extra $600 million per year in city revenue, but it would be bad policy to hit people all at once with a huge hike.
“Many of us argue we need to close the gap to get the services we need and defend the services we have,” Perks said in an interview.
Don Peat, a spokesperson for the mayor, said Tory was keeping his promise by holding property taxes to around the rate of inflation. He said in an email that “voters across Toronto in every ward voted overwhelmingly in favour of that promise and gave the Mayor a mandate to continue his responsible approach to the City’s finances.
“Despite a tough budget year, the proposed budget includes no service cuts, makes additional investments in many areas — including transit, policing, housing, and libraries.”
Clayton, the economist, notes in the study released Thursday that Toronto faces growing challenges paying to replace aging infrastructure, including some century-old sewer pipes, to add new infrastructure and to pay for enhanced services triggered by the city’s growing population.
“It is often suggested that the senior governments should provide a share of their income tax or HST revenue to the City to fund these needs. However, it seems unlikely that this will happen in the foreseeable future,” Clayton writes.
“Rather, our approach is to explore whether higher municipal property taxes could be used to finance the infrastructure and services being demanded by city residents.”